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GHLL Mental Health Champions Award

Mental Health Champion award


Mental Health Champion Submission Dates

Submit Wednesday 15th January 2025
Submit Wednesday 4th June 2025


For any queries please email:


About the Mental Health Champions Award

Mental Health Champions Award

The Mental Health Champions Award has been created to acknowledge the high quality provision that some schools make to support the mental health and wellbeing of their school community. Good schools have always understood the link between good mental health and achievement. Great schools have also understood the importance of staff mental health and wellbeing in this equation.

As we are becoming more aware of, and open about mental health issues we are seeing greater prominence of support for this increasingly significant health priority.

This award gives schools the opportunity to showcase good practice and to help them identify areas in their provision that would benefit from further development.

PDF version of the Mental Health Champions Award

10 step guide to the Mental Health Champions Award


How to Achieve the Mental Health Champions Award

This award builds on the work that you have undertaken for your GHLL Accreditation and will involve updating your Review to ensure your provision meets these criteria. Throughout the Review, questions of relevance to the promotion of good mental health have been highlighted in purple. These questions need to be answered and evidenced as  'In Place’. The remaining questions in the Review need to be answered and evidenced as 'In place or  Mostly in place’.

All schools applying will need to undertake interventions of relevance to good mental health, ideally on a large scale e.g. school wide, throughout a key stage, significant identified group or across a year group with a view to rolling out to the entire key stage or school wide as your next steps.


Mental Health Champion Accreditation Process

Are you ready to go for the MHC Award?

  • Do you currently hold the GHLL accreditation?
  • Is there a member of staff or a group of staff in your school responsible for mental health?
  • Does your school’s senior leadership team promote positive mental health for the whole school community?
  • Is emotional health and wellbeing a priority within your school, e.g. a part of your SDP or similar documentation?
  • Do you have a nominated school governor responsible for EHWB?
  • Have a significant number of your staff undergone Mental Health First Aid Training?

If you have answered yes to all of the above, then you are ready for the next steps…

Step 1

Contact your GHLL Lead Teacher to let them know that you are engaging in the process.

Update your Review; all the MH questions must be ‘in place’ and all other sections have to be ‘mostly in place’ or ‘in place’. Ensure the commentary in the evidence box makes explicit the link between the work carried out in school and pupil/staff wellbeing wherever possible.

Identify/continue to work on the two MH Interventions.

Step 2

Meet with your Lead Teacher to let them know that you are ready to submit.

Step 3

Create your portfolio of evidence to support your application. This can be in a physical or electronic form and should demonstrate the wide range of provision for emotional health and wellbeing in your school. 

Your Lead Teacher will check your Review and Interventions and identify any changes which need to be made before submission.

Step 4

Your Lead Teacher will talk you through the Learning Walk process.

Step 5

Submit for the Mental Health Champion Award

Step 6

Organise a Learning Walk with your Lead Teacher which must include:

meeting with Head Teacher, pupils, members of staff/governor
tour of the school (usually conducted by students)
portfolio of evidence
anything else the school wishes to showcase

Following the above steps:

Your LT will write a statement to support your application which will go forward to the Quality Assurance Group (QUAG) 

The QUAG will meet to review your submission and, as long as there are no queries, will grant the award.


Tagged under: ghll review, mental health champions award, Award, schools, Mental Health First Aid Training

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