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Reflective Supervision

Colleagues doing reflective supervision

Reflective Supervision

Confidential support for Head teachers and Leaders in school available from GCC’s occupational health service.

‘I decided to sign up for reflective supervision as I recognised that my stress levels were starting to build and I felt I needed some support to stop this from escalating. It has given me the opportunity not only to offload but to reflect on these emotions’ Headteacher previously supported by GCC’s Reflective Supervision sessions.

What is reflective supervision?


Reflective supervision is a confidential environment for you to address the impact your work is having on you and to find ways to help you resource yourself to become a more reflective and effective leader. Headteachers have reported that it helps with the emotional demands of the work, improves self-care skills and helps avoid stress, burnout and sickness absence.


How does it work?

Reflective supervision sessions are provided by members of the OH counselling team that have additional skills in providing clinical supervision and many years’ experience in supporting school leaders. It’s an opportunity to talk in confidence without judgement, to gain insights and new understanding, and to develop ways to resource and support yourself in your role as leader. Sessions are held four times per academic year, and more can be provided on request.

To order your set of four sessions go to your school page on GCC Plus and search for Occupational Health. Or contact us directly at

What Head Teachers and School leaders are telling us about Reflective Supervision

  • 84% felt that the sessions had a positive impact on their work life balance. 
  • 95% felt that the sessions had made them feel ‘more confident’ in managing the demands at work.
  • 129 sets of Reflective Supervision that GCC Occupational health provided to school leaders in 2022/23.

‘I don’t often look at the positive impact my leadership has had at the school and focusing on this rather than the negative has been good for me and my home life too.’ Headteacher currently enjoying the benefits of Reflective Supervision.