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Health and Wellbeing - Key Stage 3&4




FOMO lesson plan pack

Online stress and FOMO

In this lesson, students explore the impact of using social media and the stresses it can cause, including FOMO ('fear of missing out').

Using peer-to-peer activities based on 2 films, students will discuss how they might manage any online stress and understand the importance of asking for help when needed.

Lesson plan includes:

  • accompanying PowerPoint for use in class
  • starter activities – carry out a baseline assessment of students' prior knowledge, skills and understanding
  • core peer-to-peer activities, plenaries and exciting extension ideas
  • 2 films to support the activities – "Online stress and FOMO" and "Online vs real world"

Get lesson plan for KS3 and KS4





An exciting, fun and free health education resource for teachers and school aged children. The resources make learning about microbes, antibiotic resistance, and the spread, treatment and prevention of infection fun and accessible for all.

Free E-Bug Key Stage 3 Resource Pack

Free E-Bug Key Stage 4 Resource Pack



Public Health England

The link between pupil health and wellbeing and attainment - A briefing for heads, governors and staff in educational settings. Research shows that education and health are closely linked. So promoting the health and wellbeing of students within schools and colleges has the potential to improve their educational outcomes.



NHS Life Check

advice on improving many aspects of health for individuals and whole families 



Rise Above for schools

For lesson plans covering the topics below please click on the picture above:



Shift: Product design for social change

Encouraging people to make positive life changes in small steps


Preventing Suicide

By now, virtually every parent and educator has heard about 13 Reasons Why, the popular Netflix drama that tells the story of high school student Hannah Baker and her decision to take her own life. The series has fuelled controversy, generated discussion, and prompted many questions: is the subject matter - including relationship troubles, cyber bullying, sexual assault, reputation slurs, depression, tone-deaf adults, self-doubt, and aloneness - too disturbing to talk about with youth?

Click here to download guidance from Living Works



British Heart Foundation - Classroom RevivR

Classroom RevivR is a new training tool and lesson pack from the Britsh Heart Foundation to help KS3-4 pupils learn lifesaving skills in CPR and defibrillation in the classroom. 

The training is completely free and requires no specialist equipment - just a digital device and something to compress on. Once registered you can use British Heart Foundation's online portal to access the interactive CPR traiing tool and download the free lesson plan and other supportive resources saving you time, money  and lives.   

Register Here


What happens inside your body when you exercise?

Click on the video from the British Heart Foundation, which describes what happens inside your body when you exercise:

Regular physical activity can lower your risk of heart and circulatory disease by 35% ......





Our new series of podcasts hosted by BBC Radio One presenter and actor Cel Spellman aim to get more young people in-tune with their health and wellbeing. Sexually transmitted infections, low-mood, self-harming, drugs, alcohol and everything else – Cel is lifting the lid on teenage health.

Life isn't always easy - and young people across the country have been helping us explore the issues that they’re facing today. From online bullying to sexual health, body image to mental health.  They've been asking the questions you want to hear answered, joined by the health professionals that help young people, like school nurses and mental health specialists, to provide solutions, support and understanding.

Click here to view the full article where you will also be able to access ten audio shows, hosted by actor and BBC Radio 1 presenter Cel Spellman. The podcasts cover:

Series 1 - Episodes

#1 – Sexual health, STIs
#2 – Bullying, how it feels
#3 – Mental health, me and my emotions
#4 – Sexual health, are you ready?
#5 – Mental health, are you OK?
#6 – Grooming, could it happen to me?
#7 – Mental health, taking control
#8 – Mental health, asking for help
#9 – Social media, is this real life?
#10 – Substance misuse, know your choices



Gaming becomes the latest addiction 

The World Health Organisation's classification of gaming disorder as a condition which is capable of debilitating addiction is an important moment in the shifting relationship between technology and society

Like gambling, gaming appears to be on a journey similar to that of nicotine a generation ago - at least in respect of the medical profession. At first, people take up a habit with glee. Then awareness of the costs - both social and individual - spread. Victims speak out, campaigners lobby, and the medical establishment comes to a new majority opinion.

Where medicine and public harm go, regulators often follow. As new media and technology change our lives at an ever faster rate, the medicalisation of our new habits will prompt ever greater scrutiny from legislators and parents alike.

The BBC has a digital guide to life online for parents and young people BBC Own It 



If you are unsure what to put in your child's lunchbox, the following guidelines will help you make the right healthy choices.  Click here to view the full article or visit for healthy eating advice for all the family.






Free organ donation resources for your classroom

From spring 2020, the law around organ donation in England is changing.  We have developed free teaching resources to educate young people about their organ donation choices and how the law will affect them when they reach 18, so they can make an informed decision. Click here to visit the NHS Blood and Transport website and to download the free teaching resources. 


I'm just me

 “I’m just me... It's like coming up for air."

As Jaz and Charlie make a final attempt to keep their relationship alive, one of them comes out as non-binary (meaning they don’t identify as male or female), sparking a conversation that will change them both forever.

A film by Adam Tyler. (13/02/20)



What is testicular cancer?

A new resource from leading men’s cancer charity Orchid, for key stage 4 and 5 students.

By outlining possible risk factors and signs and symptoms, and highlighting the importance of self-examination, this lesson plan aims to increase young people’s understanding of testicular cancer and their confidence in seeking help and support if needed.

Through a video stimulus and range of interactive activities, students learn how to: 

  • explain what testicular cancer is
  • describe the signs and symptoms of testicular cancer
  • identify possible risk factors
  • explain how to perform a testicular examination and what to do if a problem is suspected.

This pack is free to download and includes teacher guidance, a lesson plan and accompanying resources to aid delivery, as well as a take-away summary fact sheet for students.

Download 'What is testicular cancer?' 



PSHE Association Quality Mark: NHS Blood and Transplant

We are pleased to award our Quality mark to 'Exploring blood, organ and stem cell donation' — two free lesson plans and teacher guidance from NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT), in collaboration with Anthony Nolan and with the support of practising teachers.

This lesson pack is designed to help students explore attitudes towards blood, organ and stem cell donation. It will support schools to meet the statutory Health Education requirement to teach students about this important topic.

Students will learn about the donation process and the laws relating to donation (including the change to an opt-out system for organ donation in England). 

Through video stimuli and a range of interactive activities, students will:

  • learn about the steps involved in blood, organ and stem cell donation, and the importance of donation for individuals and in society.
  • explore the range of emotions that people involved in the donation process may have, and the considerations involved in a person’s choice to donate or not.
  • develop their awareness of the change in the law around organ donation in England.

This pack is free to download and includes a teacher guidance document and two PowerPoint lesson plans for PSHE education (with embedded teacher notes and resources).

Please note that these materials are not designed for home learning but can be used with pupils who are physically in school now, or planned into your programme to deliver face-to-face later in the year.

Download the NHS Blood and Transplant Resource



PSHE Association Quality Mark: HPV Virus and Vaccine 

The PSHE Association have awarded their prestigious quality assurance mark to a lesson on the human papillomavirus virus and vaccine. The ‘EDUCATE’ resource was co-produced by young people and researchers from the University of Bristol and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It is most useful to Y8 pupils before they receive the HPV vaccine, but may also benefit other young people.

EDUCATE resources include teacher guidance, a lesson plan, student worksheets and resources, a Parent/Carer letter template, and Frequently Asked Questions for teachers.

Download the EDUCATE resource pack here



Asthma Friendly Schools 

Asthma is the most common long-term medical condition in children in the UK, with around 1 in 11 children and young people in the UK having asthma. 

The UK has one of the highest prevalence, emergency admission, and death rates for childhood asthma in Europe. 13 children (0-14 years) died from asthma in 2016. 

NHS England and NHS Improvement’s  ambition is to prevent deaths, reduce the number of admissions and improve the quality of life of CYP with asthma. This will be achieved by improving the accuracy of diagnosis and taking a whole system approach to managing asthma.

Find out more about asthma friendly schools here.



Studio You Live Event: Change the way girls see physical activity

Calling all PE and PSHE teachers!

Did you know that only 36% of girls, compared to 57% of boys, say they enjoy taking part in sport and exercise? As we know, physical activity brings many benefits: better focus, boosted confidence and feelings of self-worth but only 44% of girls are meeting the Chief Medical Officers’ sport and physical activity target of 60 minutes or more a day.*

At Studio You, we’re on a mission to get more girls moving, and help every girl, regardless of background and ability, enjoy physical activity and PE.

For the past three years, we’ve been bringing the energy and ambition of This Girl Can into schools across England with our free online video lessons.

We’re taking things to the next level with an exciting, free to access, Studio You live broadcast event for years 7-11.

Hosted by BBC Radio 1Xtra presenter Swarzy at Mulberry Academy Shoreditch, in association with the Central London Careers Hub, we will be bringing together an expert panel of diverse and relatable voices to lead a live, informal conversation to help change the way girls see being active in school and beyond.

The panel will include representatives from This Girl Can, Nike, and more, who will all bring expertise and personal insight to share with students on the day.

The broadcast event will:

  • Inspire and help your students to understand how physical activity and PE can positively impact their mental wellbeing, as well as their overall learning and engagement in school.
  • Recognise the varied experiences of girls when it comes to physical activity and PE.
  • Share practical advice from our expert panel discussing the ways girls can enjoy exercise and PE.
  • Help break down misconceptions and barriers that stop girls getting active.
  • Give students the opportunity to participate in an interactive question and answer session with our expert panel.
  • Help your students discover that you don’t have to be super sporty to start exercising. You can do it for fun, friendship or to try something new. There’s something for everyone

To access the pre-recorded event please click here and register for free access to this and other resources to encourage and support girls


PSHE Association: The Sleep Factor

Working in partnership with experts at Evelina London Children’s Hospital’s sleep medicine service, The PSHE Association have created a brand new sleep factor lesson pack for KS3&4 and updated existing primary and secondary lesson packs with the latest research, best practice and a fresh design. To find out more see here.

  • At KS3  students explore the importance of — and habits to help achieve — healthier sleep, particularly during adolescence.
  • At KS4 students explore the impact of sleep on brain function and wellbeing, assess how lifestyle choices can affect sleep quality and analyse the efficacy of a range of sleep strategies.

See below for the Lesson Pack

Key Stage 3

Keu Stage 4


Tagged under: healthy lifestyles, food, sugar, exercise, smoking, NHS, 13 reasons why, Key Stage 3, Key Stage 4, health and wellbeing, FOMO, fear of missing out, social media, post, followers, comments, likes, PSHE, PE, this girl can, sleep

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