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Check in on your wellbeing

Woman with eyes closed, smiling

Body scanning is a really useful tool to help with becoming more self aware stop and check in how your body is doing physically and mentally.

Body scanning is a really useful tool to help with becoming more self aware stop and check in how your body is doing physically and mentally. Occupational Health  have recorded a virtual video version of the body scan which you can watch on You tube.  

The body scan is a really good way of becoming more self aware both physically and mentally. Nicky has recorded a virtual video version of the body scan, which you can watch on Youtube:

Written body scan guide

  1. Get comfortable, take off your shoes and sit back in your chair, noticing touch and pressure where it makes contact with the seat or floor. Closing your eyes can be helpful to allow you to focus or, if you’d rather, half-close your eyes.
  2. Bring awareness to the body breathing in and out. Throughout this practice, allow as much time as you need or want to experience and investigate each area of the body.
  3. When you’re ready intentionally breathe in, and move your attention to whatever part of the body you want to investigate or you might choose to do a systematic body scan beginning at the head or feet.
  4. Notice sensations these might include buzzing, or tingling, pressure, tightness or temperature, or anything else you notice. What if you don’t notice any strong sensations or things feel neutral? You can simply notice that, too. There are no right answers. Just tune in to what’s present, as best you can. The main point is being curious and open to what you are noticing, investigating the sensations as fully as possible.
  5. Recognise any tensions, pains tightness or sensations then intentionally release the tightness and imagine the stress and tension releasing like un-coiling a tight spring or knotted rope before shifting to the next area to explore.
  6. Each time your attention wanders, simply notice that this is happening, then gently direct your attention back to exploring sensations in the body.
  7. Once you have scanned your whole body bring your attention back to your feet, be aware of them connecting to the ground and give your hands and arms a wiggle to bring you to awareness back into the room again.
  8. Take two deep breathe and exhale any tension that you still find you may have with intentionally dropping your shoulders.
  9. Open your eyes if they have been closed.
  10. After this exercise, allow yourself some time to have a drink of some water and move slowly back into daily activities.

The more you practice this, the easier and quicker it can become.