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Suicide and self-harm

Man looking out of the window without expression

If someone has attempted suicide, call 999 and stay with them until the ambulance arrives.

If you're worried that someone is at immediate risk of taking their own life, you should do the following if you feel able:

  • remove anything the person could use to harm themselves
  • stay with them
  • get emergency help (call 999)


I’m feeling suicidal

Call Samaritans on 116 123 📞

  1. Get through the next five minutes - taking things minute by minute can help make things more bearable. Reward yourself each time five minutes have passed.
  2. Remove anything you could use to harm yourself
  3. Follow your safety plan or crisis plan (if you have one)
  4. Tell someone how you're feeling

MIND has more tips for coping with suicidal feelings.

Gloucestershire Health and Care have a crisis page specific to Gloucestershire.

Someone I know is feeling suicidal – how can I help?

MIND's tips:

  • Encourage them to talk about their feelings
  • Encourage them to seek treatment and support
  • Offer emotional support
  • Offer practical support
  • Help them think of ideas for self-help
  • Help them to make a support plan
  • Help and support within GCC

Occupational Health has produced a guide for managers (PDF, 136.9 KB) around having a conversation with a colleague that may be experiencing suicidal thoughts.


Occupational Health, managers helpline number: 01452 425073 (option 2), 8.30am - 5pm.