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Mindfulness can help you deal with the sensation of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted or stressed. Even a minute a day can help your mental and physical wellbeing.

The benefits of Mindfulness

  • Decreased stress
  • Enhanced mental health
  • Better self control
  • Can help with depression
  • Can help with anxiety
  • Improve academic results
  • Improved job satisfaction, there is evidence stating that workforces who apply mindfulness to their work environment contributes to a healthier and productive workforce.
  • Improves sleep
  • Better general health


Mindfulness in one day

There are so many ways you can bring mindfulness into your life, here are a few ideas that you could try:

  • Think breathing: Breathe in, hold for three counts and exhale for seven counts.
  • Mindful drinking: Slow down and take time to drink; feel the coolness of a drink, savour the taste, if it’s a warm drink, smell the drink, feel the heat as you hold the cup and take small slow sips.
  • Doing one thing at a time: Rather than trying to juggle many tasks at once try to doing one at a time. You will feel more in control and calmer. You will be less likely to make mistakes.
  • Notice your senses: Pay attention to all of your senses, for example what can you hear, see, smell or touch?
  • Deep listening: Practise non-judgemental listening
  • Mindful eating: Engaging your sense by noticing colours, smells, sound, textures and flavours.
  • Body scan: Focus your attention onto different parts of your body, from head to toe, noticing tensions, feelings, tightness in different parts of your body as you mentally scan down the body. Download this App.
  • Empty the mind: Take a few moments to be still, when the mind becomes busy our inner chatter can become louder again. “Need to put the washing on, Must make that phone call, I have that work item I need to finish” Be aware of those things but try to turn down the volume on them

Find out how a GCC colleague embraces mindfulness:

‘Mindfulness has always been something I’d liked the sound of! Unfortunately, life got in the way and I mindlessly insisted “I’m too busy’ to be ‘mindful”.

My life was a race, I needed to cram as much in as possible and had little regard for my wellbeing.

Since the coronavirus restrictions were imposed, I have been forced to adjust my life, many, if not all plans, meetings, events, after school clubs have been cancelled. I tried tirelessly to fight against this new ‘normal’ for some time! I carried on living my life as an emergency. I was burning myself out and had been for some time, I would never allow myself any space to just sit and ‘be’.

I saw a quote which resonated with me, I wanted to make a change! I decided that now, through this period of uncertainty was an amazing opportunity to prioritise my wellbeing.

Every morning, I am getting up a little bit earlier than before, I am dedicating this peaceful time of day to being still and calm; before the days sets in.

I am writing a short daily journal, which helps me to consider the day ahead and decide how I want MY day to be.

Each day I am choosing a meaningful quote, I carry this with me through the day and remind myself of it when I am feeling ‘off balance’, rushed, stressed. My daily quote helps me to come back to the present moment and just be’.



Stress is "state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demandng circumstances"

When we are faced with constant demands and changes these can start to put a strain on ourselves both mentally and physically.

Pause for a moment

Ensuring that the body is well oxygenated is vital to better equip you to deal with the daily stresses that we face, as every cell of the body needs oxygen to function property.

Pause for a moment and read how your breathing can help with stress:

  • The body scan is a really useful tool to help with becoming more self aware stop and check in with how your body is doing physically and mentally.
  • Practice deep breathing 
  • Breathing exercises for stress 
  • How breathing calms your brain
  • Regulating our breathing is a great way to reduce stress. 

Watch this five minute webinar on stress management produced by our Health Assured GCC Employee Assistance Programme provider.  If you dont currently subscribe but would like to email


Further information

Please get in touch with Occupational Health if you need further support or assistance by emailing, or calling 01452 425073