Transition to Secondary School
Help students consider the transition to secondary school and identify some of the challenges that can arise.
Transition Booklets
The move to secondary school can be an exciting time of change and development but it can also be time of worry and uncertainty for some. With this in mind, Young Minds Matter NHS have produced a ‘Transition support pack’ for you and your child to work through.
There are 2 PowerPoint video sessions on Youtube (see below), one for parents/ carers and one for students. The purpose is to support you in learning how to build confidence for opportunities and challenges in year 7.
Learning about moving to secondary school
How to support your young person with transition anxiety – for parents and carers
How to manage worries about moving to secondary school – for children and young people
Embracing Change and New Challenges
Available exclusively to members and designed to be delivered in the final summer half term of the academic year, these lessons focus on identifying feelings, opportunities and challenges related to this transition, and supporting pupils with positive strategies for managing changes from one key stage to another.
Y6 - Y7 Transition Lesson
This lesson is designed for the final year of primary school. It explores the conflicting feelings that young people may have about starting secondary school and teaches them ways to express these feelings and manage this transition positively.
Y6 - Y7 Transition Ideas for Schools
The summer term is traditionally the time of year when schools plan a raft of activities and events to support pupils moving from one phase of their education to the next. The Transition ideas for schools document gives specific ideas and tips to help support pupils, which can be easily incorporated into a ‘Transition booklet’ that pupils can keep as a record and take with them into Year 7.
Year 6 Transition Sessions
Use this transition plan to help build sessions to help guide children through to Y7. These documents link to the transition plan:
Be Awesome, Go Big
Public Health England Resource
Using peer-to-peer discussion and activities, students will explore the transition to secondary school.
The lesson plan includes:
A PowerPoint for use in class
Starter activities – carry out a baseline assessment of students' prior knowledge, skills and understanding
Core peer-to-peer activities, plenaries and exciting extension ideas
A film to support the activities
Transition: Resilience Framework
A resilience and coping framework for supporting transitions back to school from the British Psychological Society.
Building Confidence
There are three stages to help children thrive during transition. But these stages can also be applied to adults as well. The resource 'Building Children's Confidence to Thrive in Secondary School' discusses these three stages, and then looks at five steps to help get children ready for Secondary school.
Managing Transitions Toolkit
Transitioning to a new phase of school can be a difficult time under normal circumstances, but in this pandemic, the change may bring up more complex emotions than usual.
SEND Matters UK
SEN support should include planning and preparation for the transitions between phases of education and preparation for adult life. To support transition, the school should share information with the school, college or other setting the child or young person is moving to. Schools should agree with parents and pupils the information to be shared as part of this planning process.
SENDCO Guides - Primary to Secondary transition
SENDCO - working with parents and carers
Tagged under: transition, year 6, year 7, secondary school, resources, lesson plan, workbook, toolkit, anna freud, teachers, parents, schools, carers, Go Big, mentally healthy schools, resources, changing schools,
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