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About Us

Mental Health First Aid England


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England are a social enterprise, a company without shareholders. They offer expert guidance and training to support mental health, in the workplace and beyond.

Everyone has mental health. Better mental health is good for everyone and recognising this is good for society. MHFA England want a society where everyone can thrive. They believe in zero stigma surrounding mental health. They want mental health to be openly discussed and supported.

MHFA England intend for their training to create an unshakable belief that we can all talk freely about mental health and seek support when we need it. We will achieve this through our mission to train one in ten people in mental health awareness and skills. 



MHFA's Training Mission 

MHFA England endeavours to train one in ten people in mental health awareness and skills. Through training and campaigning, they equip people with the skills they need to support their own and others’ wellbeing.

The enterprise offers a range of evidence-based face to face and digital learning, from awareness raising to skill development. Their courses empower people to notice signs of mental ill health, and encourage them to break down barriers, listen in a non-judgemental way, and signpost to support for recovery.

The MHFA England framework shows how their training promotes equality between mental health and physical health. 




For Schools

#HU4HM - Film clip - Hendon School: What we do to support our mental health










#HU4HM - GIF - Self-care and support for young people

Share this GIF on your social media, blog or website!










#HU4HM - GIF - Tips for talking with young people

Share this GIF on your social media, blog or website!










#HU4HM - Helpful resources for young people's mental health

A list of prominent mental health charities and support services for young people.























#HU4HM - Presentation: Making the case for young people's mental health

Slide deck on the business reasons for investing in young people's mental health. You can adapt this with statistics from your own school and use it to engage your senior leaders.







#HU4HM - Self-care and support

Self-care tips to help protect against stress.


























#HU4HM - Sources of stress for young people

Common sources of stress in young people.














#HU4HM - Tips for talking with young people

Starting a conversation is the first step on their journey. 










#HU4HM - Whole organisation framework

Some key principles that an organisation can use when developing their wellbeing strategy.

























Film clip - MHFA support in schools

Andrew McBroom, teacher at City of London School, discusses how he uses his Mental Health First Aid skills in his work.










Poster - 10 Keys to Happier Living

Wall poster created in partnership with Action for Happiness.

Poster - 10 Keys to Happier Living text only

A text-only version of the 10 Keys to Happier Living poster


You can find out more about these resources using the following links:

MHFA resource bank

MHFA resources for schools



















The role of a Youth MHFA Champion

Information on the role of a Youth MHFA Champion (someone who has completed a Youth MHFA One Day Course) in schools.



























Youth MHFA info pack


A set of resources for a mentally healthy organisation, including statistics on young people's mental health, a framework for training, and our Youth MHFA case studies and course information in one pdf.