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Gloucestershire Young Carers



Gloucestershire Young Carers have been working with and for young carers for the last 30 years. Their mission is to support and enable young carers to build resilience and achieve their aspirations. GYC do this using two key approaches:

  • Providing direct services alongside our partners
  • Working with young carers to support professionals and commissioners to improve their response to young carers.


GHLL & GYC Working in Partnership

Gloucestershire Young Carers working within the GHLL framework has developed its own accreditation scheme for schools and colleges.  We want to celebrate those schools that are doing all they can to ensure young carers get the support they need.

The Young Carers School Leads will be supported to implement policies, procedures, and new organisational and curriculum initiatives to ensure young carers enjoy the same life chances as other children in the school community.

Accreditation will be a clear demonstration to young carers and their families that they can be assured of appropriate support which will help to limit the impact and restriction on their lives that caring responsibilities can bring. 


GHLL Young Carers Accreditation for Schools

How Can a School Achieve GHLL Young Carers Accreditation?

Step 1 – Complete the initial Online Review Form– this will help you assess your school current provision for young carers and see what next steps you need to take. On completion of the form it is then submitted to Gloucestershire Young Carers.

Step 2 – Email  if you have any questions and to get a copy of the full accreditation application form.  This application will be assessed and then provided all standards have been sufficiently met, the accreditation will be awarded to your setting.  Your school will receive a certificate, plaque and logo for your email/stationary to recognise the award.


Steps to Qualify for the Award

  1. Appoint 2 young carer leads (1 for primary)
  2. Ensure a Governor is ‘Young Carer Aware’ alongside key members of staff (using our free eLearning package)
  3. Evidence that efforts have been made to attain to whole school awareness eg, assemblies
  4. Create and implement a dedicated young carer policy
  5. Provide information about young carers eg. Display boards/posters
  6. Establish some provision/support for young carers – i.e., Drop ins or young carers groups.
  7. Complete accreditation application
  8. Share survey – to obtain feedback from young carers


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