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CAMHS Practitioner Advice Line
01452 894272
Guidance for professionals in Gloucestershire working with young people with mental health or emotional wellbeing concerns

Educational Resources

Educational resources, national and local lesson plans, and PinK curriculum resources about mental health topics.


Better Health - Every Mind Matters KS1 & 2

These free, NHS-approved lesson packs complement the existing suite of Every Mind Matters resources, helping you to facilitate open conversations around health, wellbeing and resilience, and cover statutory Health Education requirements.


There are separate KS1 and KS2 lesson packs available for each topic:

•    Emotions: Support KS1 pupils to identify different feelings and think about other people’s feelings. And help KS2 pupils consider how emotions,thoughts, physical feelings and behaviours can affect each other, and learn ways to manage challenging emotions.

•    Kindness: Help KS1 pupils to recognise the importance of kindness, ways of being kind to ourselves and others, and things someone can do if others are being unkind. At KS2, pupils will have an opportunity to explore how kindness impacts on themselves, others and the world around them.

•    Self-care: Introduce the concept of self-care to KS1 pupils, learning about the different things that help people feel good. Build on this learning in KS2, exploring self-care strategies and evaluating how they can support wellbeing.


Mentally Well Schools Resources

35 Healthy Coping Skills Poster School and Home

How Does Worried or Stressed Feel worksheet

My Big Emotions Toolbox Ideas Worksheet

My Stress Bucket sheet

Sleep Exercise Health Balanced Diet worksheet

Things I Can and Cannot Control Pandemic


Anxiety Resources & Animation 

Anxiety is a normal emotion – it’s one of our body’s natural reactions to stress.
For young people, some level of anxiety is normal as they grow up and learn to navigate the world.  
However, it’s important that they have the tools to manage feelings of anxiety, and can tell the difference between normal emotions and more severe anxiety which is interfering with their everyday life.
The 'Let’s talk about anxiety' animation, and accompanying resources for school staff, will help students aged 11 to 13 to normalise, understand and manage anxious feelings. 


Bear in a box

Bear Us in Mind have created psychological toolkits for refugee children who have been displaced by the war in Ukraine.

GHLL now stocks these wonderful boxes so please get in touch if you would like one to support a Ukrainian child in your school.

Learn more and view guidance on how to use the toolkit here


50 ways to build self esteem for kids

Click here to download the poster 


Rainbow Booklet: My journey - moving on

The ‘My Journey, Moving On..…walking the path together’ journal, aims to give children and young people the opportunity to reflect and share emotional experiences in their life, past, through the pandemic and or now after the pandemic and moving forward

The booklet also aims to encourage the children and young people to reflect and identify times of strengths and resulting growth from their life experiences, and considerer how these strengths may be positively used in the future.+

Rainbow Booklet

Supporting Notes 


A whole school framework for emotional well being and mental health

A self-assessment and improvement tool for school leaders.  This tool signposts evidence from research and practice.  It offers prompts for debate and activity bringing everyone together and building on existing practice, identifying new programmes and interventions, setting priorities and implementing and evaluating change.

A four stage self-assessment and improvement tool:

Stage 1- Identify what happens and what matters in your school

Stage 2- common language and commitment

Stage 3- capacity and relationship building

Stage 4- tracking and evaluating progress, embedding and sustaining practice.



NICE logo

NICE has developed a range of online learning resources in collaboration with partners and has identified a range of additional tools to support the implementation of NICE guidance. This includes Children’s Attachment which is aimed at professionals working with children who are in care or on the edge of care.




MindEd provides free educational resources containing advice, guidance and information on managing a wide range of mental health issues in children and teens.






This pack contains factual information, case studies, a book list with suggested reading as well as other avenues for guidance, support and advice. It aims to promote greater understanding of grief, highlight the importance of listening and also some templates for sharing information. Below are two links for charities that provide more information as well as some lesson plans from the Child Bereavement Trust.

Unexpected or Traumatic Death of a Pupil or Child Pack for Schools and Early Years Settings



What is Mental Health - Poster














Department for Education

We know that the pandemic and the associated measures and restrictions, such as social distancing and school closures, will be impacting on the mental wellbeing of some children and young people. 

We have put together some useful links and sources of support so that children and young people, parents, carers, and school and college staff can get the advice and help they need. We have also added a new module to the RSHE curriculum for primaryand secondaryschools specifically designed to focus on mental health.

This important addition will enable much-needed conversations about mental health to happen inside the classroom. 

See the full blog here



PinK Curriculum Resources

Curriculum Resources for KS1 and KS2

Curriculum Resources for KS3 and KS4

Curriculum Resources for KS5



How statutory PSHE Education could support mental health and emotional wellbeing



Local Lesson Plans

5 ways to wellbeing

One Act of Kindness Shared (OAKS)




Mental Health





A New TrueTube film for Mental Health Awareness Week

Emily is a poet and a teacher, and has bipolar disorder. It's a mental health illness that means she can feel very down or very up for no reason whatsoever. With eloquence and humour she describes how it feels, how she manages it, and how she'd like society to be more understanding and accepting of mental health disorders.




Young People who Self-Harm: A guide for school staff (University of Oxford)

This guide has just been published by The Charlie Memorial Trust 



Aureus - School wellbeing reflection task










Having a conversation with parents and carers about mental health

A Beginner's Guide for Schools.  Developed with YoungMinds', Teachers' Insight Group (May 2019)

Mental health is a very emotional subject to talk about. This is especially true of conversations between teachers and parents and carers, whether they have approached you, or you have encouraged them to think about their family’s mental health yourself.

View the full resource.




Wellbeing packs

View the latest wellbeing packs to help parents and teachers to support children through this challenging time.

Resources are available for Primary and Secondary age groups.



Anti-racism and mental health in schools 

A sheet of 10 practical resources to improve education staff's understanding of racism and it's impact on mental health

Anti-racism and mental health in schools resources


Positive mental health image library

Freely-available library of images that represent real people looking after their mental health. 

View the mental health image library

Tagged under: mental health, bereavement, emotional health and wellbeing, stigma, self-assessment, improvement, leaders, framework, toolkit, four stage approach, bi-polar, mental health, time to change, NICE, self

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